Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Bittersweet Summer

May 31 marked a bittersweet day for Addi.  It was the last day of first grade, so while she was excited to have a summer break she was sad that she wouldn't see her friends and amazing teacher Mrs. Williams for a few months. I personally remember my first grade teacher and love knowing that Addi will too.  It helps that Mrs. Williams is quite possibly the best teacher ever and adores all of the kids.  The kids have all been in love with her since day one and to be honest, I kind of have a crush on her too.  She's THAT good.

Mrs. Williams is having a baby so the last day of school also served as a baby shower for her.  Each kid wrote what advice for Mrs. Williams on what babies like and gave her a book for her to read to Nora.  All of the kids in the class ADORE Mrs. Williams so they loved this.

Look at Addi's face while Mrs. Williams reads her letter.  True, geniune love.

First grade was definitely a success.  Addi is officially a reader and is doing great in math.  Her favorite class this year was religion and she actually participated with enthusiasm the entire year, something we struggled with in Kindergarden.  The class did morning journals all year and it was really neat to read through those and watch her writing change and her spelling improve.

Just a few favorites...

When August rolls around, I will not only have a kindergardner but a second grader!  I can only hope Samantha enjoys school as much as Addi!

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