Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Betty White

For some reason my kids are obsessed with minivans.  I don’t remember when it began but one day I was forced to pretend that my Murano had sliding doors and a third row seat.  Then both girls constantly asked when we were getting a minivan because they were so cool. 

Jay and I were very content with keeping my Nissan for at least another 100,000 miles.  Yes, it was a tight fit on road trips and yes, it was a little creakier after my car accident, but Murray the Murano was still a treasured member of the family and more importantly, already paid off.   Then, one day, those creaks weren’t so endearing.  Or maybe the kids just wore me down.  It was time for a minivan.

We headed out to figure out what van was really for us.  And let me tell you something - Life is so ironic.  When Jay bought his first new car out of college, it was all about the coolness of it.  He said, “What kind of engine is this? How fast does it go? Oh, you are going to royally screw me on the price too? Who cares, it’s exactly what I want!”   

The Jay of 2000 would cry seeing the Jay of today walk around the car lot, exclaiming, “Check out this one! It has Stow-and-go!”  Cry, or slap him.  One or the other.

Anyway, I was totally on board with getting a minivan.  Remote control doors? Sign me up!  I’d make a van look cool!  Then, I sat in one and I swear, a small piece of me died.  Practical? Sure.  Cool? No way.

So we test drove some.  We priced some.  And we did some research.  And a few weeks later, we drove home with Betty White. 

She comes complete with bucket seats, third row seating, DVD player, air conditioned seats, and lots of storage and all the conveniences a mom of small kids needs. Just in a much cooler package than the minivan.  And she is totally adored by me and Jay, and very much disliked by our bank account.
The kids were excited and got over their desire for a minivan.  Well, at least that’s what I thought until one Saturday I went into the basement and found this:
Sam, driving her kids in her “minivan” around the basement.
Now, SHE makes a minivan look cool.

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