Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ignorance is Bliss

Both of our kids have borderline asthma.  Because of that, anytime they get sick our doctor harps on us about doing breathing treatments.  And when they get REALLY sick, a la Addison and have a cough for 4 straight weeks, they REALLY harp on us about doing the treatments.

So try to imagine an active four year old, sick of taking medicine already, who is now tasked with doing 5 breathing treatments per day (at least).  Basically she never gets five treatments in and she fights for hours over the ones we manage to do.

Until today.
She even helped me put the mask on, then fell back asleep.  But when she woke up and I asked her how it went, she had no idea what I was talking about.

I wonder how many of those we can actually do while she's unconscious?

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