Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Addison's Trip

Our trip to California was huge for Addison. Once we told her we were heading there, she started packing. Seriously, she had things set aside a month in advance, arguing with us any time we tried to pull something out of her “Sabrina’s House” pile.

Spending eight uninterrupted days with both girls was great, but it was totally awesome spending so much time with Addi. She is so full of energy and stories and ideas and random nonsense… Like how she married Spongebob in a ceremony under the sea, then he was tragically eaten by a crocodile.

No one said she was normal.  But the look on random people's faces when she told them that story... PRICELESS.

A lot of our trip revolved around doing stuff we knew Addi would like, mostly because unlike past vacations, there's a decent chance she will actually remember parts of this one.  Some of the highlights for Addi...

She and Sabrina (and her dad) got to feed dolphins at SeaWorld...
She met her favorite princesses at Disneyland (and STILL can't believe Cinderella knew her name)...
She got to be the assistant captain on a boat ride - and totally blew me away with how big she was...
She managed to have a blast, even after no nap...
And she made me feel like the luckiest person on earth, just spinning in circles with her.

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