Sunday, January 31, 2010

Her Model Friends

This weekend my mom came to town to spend the weekend with Addison for her birthday.  Sadly Addi started the weekend with a busted eardrum, an ear infection and strep throat so we spent most of Saturday laying around and resting.

Saturday night Addi got to pick any restaurant she wanted and she chose "the fishy restaurant with the shrimp."  No, not Red Lobster - the china buffet.  You know, where they have creepy fish in a tank and you eat next to them trying not to think about how you are probably eating their cousins. 

Today Addi, Grandma and I had a shopping and lunch date.  It started off a little rough but it all turned around when I "found" a napkin and pair of sunglasses in Addi's ear.  Once we determined what was causing her lack of listening ears she perked right up and we had a great rest of the day. 

We made a quick run to New York and Company and while I shopped, Addi made some friends.  Well, she walked around talking to the manequins and apparently, they talked back.  According to Addi, one told her she loved her and the other asked her to go camping.  And then she showed off her modeling skills for any and everyone who'd watch.

It never fails... You think the day can't get any worse and throw your hands up and by the end of the day, you are laughing hysterically. 

I've also been asked to put the tent up for the camp out.  I wonder how to tell her that since her new "friends" don't have heads or feet, they probably won't show.

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