Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Getting their hair did (AKA Sam's first haircut)

On Saturday Addi, Sami and I headed to the salon to get our hair cut. It was Sam's first time and boy, was she excited!

First, Addi got hers trimmed and received a sucker for sitting so nicely. Sam was so excited that she didn't even wake up from my shoulder.

Next it was Sam's turn. She sat very still like a big (scared out of her mind) girl and donned the cape like a pro.
Holly got to work trimming her hair and she proudly ate her sucker.
Finally, Addi double checked to make sure Holly did an adequate job and pronounced her "done".
Overall a pretty quick experience but I couldn't be happier. No eyes were gouged out and although the girls have played "hair cut" in the tub every night since, I have yet to see them try it with real scissors. Probably because they are all hidden on the top of the fridge.

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