Monday, January 21, 2008

Big Weekend for the Ralphs!

So, we had a big weekend! For the average person, it will probably seem ho-hum, but the fact that I am typing ALONE is huge to me and Jay!

First, Thursday night Addi spent the whole night in her OWN ROOM!!! She was pretty excited to get a cool sticker in the morning and I was pretty thrilled that she only cried for 10 minutes. Friday, we'll skip ;) - then Saturday and Sunday night we repeated Thursday! And it's 8:54 on Monday and I am AGAIN sitting downstairs, with Jay, and no Addi. What will we do with all the free time? So far I surfed the net, did some laundry, and just relaxed. But four nights of Addi in her own bed is a VERY good thing and a very long time coming. And she is VERY proud of her stickers, even chased Smokey around trying to show him.

In other weekend news, we cleaned house, went shopping, and spent a few hours at the pool. Addi was scared at first but in typical Addi fashion she was afraid of the squirting water in 2 inches of water but more than happy to go down the water slide alone several times and jump into the 4 foot pool to me.

The rest of today, we just hung out. Addi cooked up some hotdogs in her playroom for dinner and shows her handiwork in the picture above. Have a good week!

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